Our core audience are mid-age women with ADHD who struggle with focus, structure, procrastination, time management, and self-motivation. They are usually going through a difficult moment at work or in a family situation. Their main motivation is to manage their ADHD symptoms through this demanding moment.
People with ADHD often struggle with time management, which is at the core of their executive dysfunction. Some do not understand what is the cause of their struggles while others put their self-worth at doubt. Your task is to devise a 3-5 min quiz that will help them answer their doubts on time management and make them feel better in the process.
Objectives and Requirements
- The overall business goal of the quiz is to bridge users from a state of brand-awareness ("I am slightly familiar with Inflow but I do not know much about what they offer and how I could benefit from it") to a state of brand-interest ("I am impressed by how relatable this quiz was and how it helped me to understand myself; I want to see what more interesting stuff and solutions Inflow has to offer").
- The quiz needs to be highly relevant to the topic "time management & ADHD". Please introduce the right mental health terms and use them properly.
- Apply principles of an “edutainment” product and position Inflow as a trust-worthy authority in the ADHD domain.
- Design a full flow with no more than 12 screens, including specific pages for quiz introduction and results.
- Focus only on designing a mobile experience (iPhone). Assume that users would go through the quiz at home on their smartphone after one of our Instagram Story ads or organic posts has grabbed their attention.
- Note that this quiz product holds no relation to our main quiz ( and you are not expected to make any connections to it. This task is a way for you to showcase your product thinking, conceptualization, research, and content writing skills.
- Deliverable 1: Full screen-flow wireframe:
- Submit a full screen-flow wireframe in your favourite software (e.g. Figma or Miro). The purpose of the deliverable is to present the quiz to a delivery team composed of designer and engineers who will work to implement it in the next sprint.
- Provide a low-fidelity wireframe with all the final copy for each screen. We will not be evaluating your graphic design skills.
- Include placeholders for non-copy elements such as pictures, brand, design, or UI elements.
- Write and include only the final copy in the wireframe, do not add any dummy text.
- Annotate the screens with your thinking logic and describe the intended function, behaviour, or characteristics of the various screen elements. Your aim is to assure that the delivery team would be able to produce a high-fidelity design and build the actual web experience according to your thinking.
- Deliverable 2: Half-page summary note for the leadership team:
- Outline your thinking process and approach to creating the screen-flow. This should summarize your thinking, logic and process to produce the final screen-flow artefact.
- BONUS deliverable: Scoring/grading system for quiz:
- It is expected that after completing the set of quiz questions, users will receive results in some form. Please, devise and describe what scoring, grading or similar system you would apply for the results.